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Bi-Presidential Scholarship for International Student in Norway 2024

Bi-Presidential Scholarship in Norway. It is with great enthusiasm that we unveil the advent of the Bi-Presidential Scholarship in Norway, an esteemed and exalted opportunity for scholars of merit to further their education in the land of the Vikings, whilst acquiring a plethora of valuable academic and cultural experiences at the Norwegian Business School. This distinguished and prestigious scholarship is bestowed by the Norwegian government unto international students of exceptional academic calibre, who evince a fervent zeal for learning and innovation.

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Bi-Presidential Scholarship Details:

  • Scholarship Host Country: Norway
  • University: Norwegian Business School
  • Course Level: Masters
  • Program: Master of Science programme
  • Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
  • Eligibility: International students

Bi-Presidential Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Bi-Presidential Scholarship, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  1. Candidates must have a minimum overall GPA of ‘A’ on the ECTS scale or the equivalent top-level grade on international grade scales to be considered.
  2. Students in the 3rd year of the Sivøk programme are eligible to apply.
  3. Candidates with Norwegian citizenship or international citizenship from EU/EEA/Great Britain.
  4. International applicants with ties to Norway who meet the eligibility requirements for Lånekassen.
  5. Candidates admitted to a Master of Science degree programme at campus Oslo or campus Bergen, with the exception of the BI-Luiss Joint Masters in Marketing.
  6. Note: International applicants with citizenship from outside the EU/EEA/Great Britain are not eligible for this scholarship.

Selection Criteria

The intricate and multifaceted process of selecting recipients for the highly coveted Bi-Presidential Scholarship encompasses a plethora of factors, including but not limited to the attainment of academic excellence, the demonstration of research potential, the display of intrinsic motivation, and the evaluation of cultural fit. The perspicacious and discerning scholarship committee will judiciously scrutinize each and every application with a meticulous eye for detail and a discerning demeanor, applying a rigorous set of criteria to gauge the worthiness of each candidate:

  1. BI Norwegian Business School aims to build a diverse and international student body.
  2. Only applicants who have been admitted to a Master of Science programme and have applied as instructed will be considered.
  3. Scholarship applications will be considered only if the offer of admission has been accepted.
  4. BI ensures distribution of scholarships across MSc programmes.
  5. BI reserves the right to award scholarships according to institutional priorities which many include prioritizing specific master’s programmes, diversity and gender distribution, or selected partner schools of BI.
  6. All candidates will be assessed according to the ECTS scale. Applicants with international bachelor’s degrees will have their grades converted to the ECTS scale.
  7. Other factors that may influence awarding could be other academic achievements, GMAT/GRE/CAT scores, extracurricular achievements, and special personal achievements.
  8. International applicants who apply for the BI Presidential Scholarship will also be considered for the MSc International Scholarship.

ALSO READ: Swedish Institute SI Scholarship for International Students in Sweden

Benefits of the Scholarship

The Bi-Presidential Scholarship offers several benefits to selected candidates, including:

  1. Tuition-free education at a Norwegian university.
  2. A stipend for each semester, for up to two years, if the student achieves the academic progression requirements.

The stipend is to assist with living expenses but does not cover all expenses (approximately 70%).

Bi-Presidential Scholarship Application Process

The application process for the Bi-Presidential Scholarship is highly competitive and rigorous. To apply, candidates must submit the following documents:

  1. Apply for a scholarship at the same time as you apply for admission.
  2. Write a scholarship application letter, maximum one page, outlining why you should receive this scholarship. Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, not on financial need.
  3. Upload it to the section marked ‘Scholarship’ in your online application for admission.
  4. Include all the required documentation to be evaluated for admission to a Master of Science programme. The scholarship application will only be considered if a complete application for admission has been submitted and the offer of admission is accepted.
  5. BI students currently in their 3rd year of the Siviløkonom programme, can apply the spring of their 3rd year by sending a scholarship application letter to [email protected] with the subject line: BI Presidential Scholarship Application
  6. International applicants who apply for the BI Presidential Scholarship will also be considered for the MSc International Scholarship. A separate scholarship application letter is not required.

International and domestic applicants: A complete application for admission, including your scholarship application, must be uploaded to the online application portal. Applications for scholarship are not accepted by email.

Siviløkonom 3rd year students: Scholarship application letters must be emailed to [email protected].


The Bi-Presidential Scholarship in Norway, an exceptional opportunity for students seeking an international academic and cultural milieu, offers a rigorous and highly competitive program, that despite its challenges, promises significant rewards. The scholarship endows successful applicants with tuition-free education, an esteemed monthly living allowance, as well as the cherished opportunity to access the Norwegian welfare system. For prospective international scholars with a profound drive for knowledge and innovation, we urge you to consider the profound benefits that this distinguished scholarship offers and take the momentous first stride toward a thrilling academic and professional odyssey.

Bi-Presidential Scholarship for International Student in Norway

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