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Data Science Scholarship Program By FTW Foundation for Filipino Women 2024: Kickstart Your Career

Data Science Scholarship Program By FTW Foundation. Are you passionate about working with data and its potential to transform the world? Do you dream of delving into the world of data science to uncover crucial insights and create innovative solutions? Your search ends here!

The FTW Foundation is thrilled to present its exceptional Data Science Scholarship Program, offering a golden opportunity for data enthusiasts like you.

At FTW Foundation, knowledge is power and holds the key to a brighter future. Our Data Science Scholarship Program aims to empower talented individuals, bridge the gap between potential and opportunities, and cultivate the next generation of data experts.

DISCLAIMER: The articles in this site are for informational purposes only, we are not affiliated to the entities featured, on every post source/registration link are provided at the bottom of every article so that you can Double-Check the AUTHENTICITY and the AVAILABILITY of the Scholarship via those source. The availability may varies.

Empowering Passionate Individuals

This scholarship is open to candidates from diverse backgrounds and experiences, whether you are an experienced data analyst seeking to enhance your skills or a newcomer eager to embark on a data science journey.

Discover Your Passion

Before applying for the Data Science Scholarship Program by FTW Foundation, take some time to explore your passion for data science. Understand the driving force behind your interest in this field and how it aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Requirements For The Data Science Scholarship Program

If you’re a woman with a passion for upskilling your tech career and possess the aptitude and willingness to learn data science, this could be your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

  • No Bachelor’s Degree required
  • No minimum work experience required
  • No technical background needed, but familiarity with statistical analysis, data visualization, and programming can aid in a faster grasp of the training
  • No age limit
  • Must be able to attend ALL our Saturday classes, with a combination of face-to-face courses and remote sessions. All women, regardless of their circumstances, are encouraged to apply; remember, attendance is mandatory!
  • Must have a laptop and reliable internet access ready.

Although FTW does not provide laptops and internet access, all other training materials will be shared with participants through presentations and other tools. A non-disclosure agreement will be required before sharing these materials.

Dates to Note

  • March 16, 2024 – Opening of FTW’s Data Science Scholarship Program Batch 9 application

ALSO READ: PLM Scholars Foundation Inc. (PLMSFI) Scholarship 2024

The Application Process For The Data Science Scholarship Program

To apply for the Data Science Scholarship Program, follow these steps:

Step 1: Fill Out the Online Application Form

Complete the online application form, providing all required information accurately.

Step 2: Take the Online Assessment

Participate in the online assessment, evaluating your suitability for the scholarship.

Step 3: Participate in the Online Workshop

Engage in the online workshop, further demonstrating your interest and commitment.

Step 4: Interview

Prepare for the interview, where you can showcase your passion and potential for data science.


  1. Who is eligible to apply for the Data Science Scholarship Program?
    The scholarship is open to individuals from all backgrounds and experiences, with no specific requirements for a bachelor’s degree, work experience, or technical background. It is aimed at women who are passionate about upskilling their careers in tech and have the aptitude and attitude to excel in Data Science.
  2. How can I apply for the Data Science Scholarship Program?
    To apply, you need to fill out the online application form provided by FTW Foundation. Ensure that you provide accurate and complete information.
  3. Are there any age restrictions for the scholarship?
    No, there is no age limit for applicants. All eligible candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their age.
  4. Do I need to attend all the Saturday classes?
    Yes, attendance for all Saturday classes is mandatory. The training will consist of a combination of face-to-face courses and remote sessions.
  5. What if I don’t have a technical background? Can I still apply?
    Absolutely! While a technical background is not required, familiarity with statistical analysis, Data Visualization, and programming can help you understand the training faster.
  6. Is the scholarship limited to a specific region or country?
    The Data Science Scholarship Program is open to applicants from all around the world. There are no geographical restrictions on eligibility.
  7. What materials will be provided during the training?
    FTW Foundation will share training materials, such as presentations and other tools, to facilitate the learning process. However, candidates are required to have their own laptop and reliable internet access.
  8. Is there an essay requirement for the application?
    The application may require an essay where you can express your interest in data science, outline your career goals, and explain how the scholarship will help you achieve them.
  9. When will the scholarship program start?
    The start date for the Data Science Scholarship Program Batch 9 is March 16, 2023.
  10. How will I be notified of the application results?
    Successful applicants will be informed via the contact details provided during the application process.

The Data Science Scholarship Program offered by FTW Foundation is a golden opportunity for aspiring data enthusiasts to pursue their dreams. Whether you’re an experienced professional or just beginning your journey, this scholarship can be the stepping stone to a successful career in the world of data science. Meet the requirements, and apply for this life-changing scholarship today! Your future in data science awaits.

Data Science Scholarship Program By FTW Foundation

Data Science Scholarship Program By FTW Foundation

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