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Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024: Unlocking International Young Leaders Opportunities in Canada

Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024. In an exciting development, the renowned Deloitte One Young World Scholarship makes a comeback, beckoning young professionals driven by a fervor to tackle global challenges to seize the opportunity for the upcoming 2024 edition. Deloitte, a stalwart in fostering future leaders, extends a fully funded invitation to participate in the OYW Summit set to unfold in Montreal, Canada, from September 18 to 21, 2024.

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Embracing Change: The One Young World Movement

Founded in 2009 by the visionaries David Jones and Kate Robertson, One Young World stands as a UK-based charity uniting young leaders worldwide, fostering enduring connections for positive change. The annual OYW Summit, a flagship event fully funded by Deloitte, serves as a nexus where bright young talents converge to confront humanity’s pressing challenges. The 2024 Summit holds particular significance, providing a pivotal platform to address the looming climate crisis and underscore the imperative for a swift transition towards a climate-resilient and sustainable future. Deloitte, championing initiatives such as Worldclass and Worldclimate, undertakes a global commitment to expanding opportunities and combating climate change both within and beyond their organizational boundaries.

Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024: Shaping Climate Leaders

Deloitte’s One Young World Scholarship 2024 is a fully funded opportunity in Canada, targeting individuals dedicated to combating climate change or enhancing skills and education on a significant scale. In 2024, Deloitte sponsors five exceptional young leaders for the fully funded One Young World Summit in Montreal, offering expert insights, skills, and networking opportunities. Seize this chance to be an OYW ambassador, contribute to global change, and apply now for the Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024. Act promptly and embark on a transformative journey of impact and personal growth.

Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024 Details:

  • Host Country: Canada
  • Offered By: Deloitte
  • Duration: 18 – 21 September 2024
  • Eligibility: Open to all Nationalities
  • Deadline: 21 January 2024

Benefits of Deloitte One Young World Summit Canada 2024:

  • Exclusive access to Deloitte OYW Summit 2024 in Montreal.
  • Covered travel costs to and from Montreal
  • Hotel accommodation with private room
  • Meal expenses covered during the Summit
  • Travel restriction permits provided
  • Ground transportation between Summit locations
  • Pre-Summit seminars organized by Deloitte
  • Deloitte buddy system for guidance
  • English as the primary language of instruction

Eligibility Requirements for Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024:

  • Global: Applicants from all corners of the world are eligible to apply, fostering a diverse and inclusive selection of young leaders.
  • Age Range: Candidates must fall within the age bracket of 18 to 30 years old, reflecting the program’s focus on nurturing emerging talent.
  • Leadership Capability: A prerequisite for applicants is the ability to lead effectively, showcasing leadership potential and a commitment to driving positive change.
  • Proven Impact: Candidates are expected to demonstrate a track record of bringing about constructive and impactful change in their communities or fields.
  • Understanding of Global Challenges: An essential criterion is a comprehensive understanding of the most pressing regional or worldwide challenges, aligning with the program’s focus on addressing issues on a global scale.
  • Innovative Problem Solving: Successful applicants should have a history of developing significant and original solutions to challenges, particularly in the realms of education and skill-based issues or climate and environmental concerns.

Application Deadline:

The application deadline to apply for the Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024 in Canada is 21 January 2024.

ALSO READ: University of Idaho Scholarships 2024 for International Students in the USA

How to Apply for the Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024?

  1. Click on the “Apply Now” button on the official website.
  2. The entire application process is online.
  3. The application form comprises four sections:
    • Personal details
    • Application questions
    • Additional information
    • Final completion and submission
  4. Provide accurate personal information.
  5. Answer all questions in the application form.
  6. Submit the application before the Deloitte scholarship deadline for consideration.


1: What is the Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024?

The Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024 is a fully funded opportunity for young professionals to attend the One Young World Summit in Montreal, Canada, from September 18 to 21, 2024.

2: What is the focus of the scholarship?

The scholarship focuses on empowering young leaders to address climate change and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. It also supports initiatives related to education, skills, and global opportunities.

3: Who is eligible to apply?

The scholarship is open to individuals of all nationalities aged between 18 and 30 years old. Applicants should demonstrate leadership capabilities and a proven impact in their communities or fields.

4: What are the benefits of the Deloitte One Young World Summit Canada 2024?

The benefits include exclusive access to the summit, covered travel costs, hotel accommodation, meal expenses, travel permits, ground transportation, pre-summit seminars, and a buddy system for guidance. The primary language of instruction is English.

5: How many scholarships are available?

In 2024, Deloitte will sponsor five outstanding young leaders to attend the fully funded One Young World Summit in Montreal, Canada.

6: What is the application deadline?

The application deadline for the Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024 in Canada is January 21, 2024.

7: How do I apply for the scholarship?

To apply, click on the “Apply Now” button on the official website. The entire application process is online and includes sections for personal details, application questions, additional information, and final completion and submission.

8: Are there specific criteria for selection?

Yes, successful applicants should demonstrate an understanding of global challenges, innovative problem-solving skills, and a commitment to driving positive change.

9: Can individuals from any part of the world apply?

Yes, the Deloitte One Young World Scholarship is open to applicants from all corners of the world, promoting a diverse and inclusive selection of young leaders.

10: Where can I find more information about the scholarship?

For more information and to apply, visit the official website of the Deloitte One Young World Scholarship.

Source: Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2024

Deloitte One Young World Scholarship

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