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Fulbright DAI Scholarship: Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers 2024-2025

Fulbright DAI 2024-2025. The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (Fulbright DAI) stands as a beacon of opportunity for educators worldwide. Administered by the Philippine-American Educational Foundation (Fulbright Philippines), this initiative, backed by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and executed by IREX, offers a transformative experience for teachers seeking professional growth.

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Fulbright Philippines Scholarships: Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers

Enhancing Education through Fulbright DAI

Replacing the International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP), Fulbright DAI aims to equip educators with enhanced subject expertise, refined teaching skills, and deeper insights into the United States. Running from August to December 2025, this program offers a semester-long immersion in a U.S. university environment.

Embracing Professional Development

Fulbright DAI is tailored as a non-degree, non-credit professional development endeavor. Participants undergo an enriching journey auditing courses within the host university’s School or Department of Education. This immersive experience embeds them within the university community, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Engaging Classroom Dynamics

One of the program’s highlights is the opportunity to observe and co-teach alongside U.S. educators in nearby schools. This hands-on involvement enables participants to immerse themselves in the vibrant American classroom culture, enriching their teaching methodologies and cross-cultural understanding.

Post-Program Initiatives

Upon completion, program graduates unlock a realm of possibilities back home. Eligible for small grant awards, they can spearhead initiatives such as providing essential teaching materials, conducting follow-on training sessions, or fostering collaborative projects between American and local schools.

Comprehensive Support and Benefits

The Fulbright DAI fellowship comes with an array of support and benefits, ensuring a seamless and enriching experience for participants. From J-1 visa assistance to pre-departure orientation and round-trip airfare, every aspect is meticulously arranged to facilitate the journey.

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Scholarship program, applicants must meet specific criteria:

  1. Philippine citizenship (excluding dual citizens or U.S. residents)
  2. Demonstrated English proficiency (with a competitive TOEFL score)
  3. Five or more years of classroom experience as a qualified primary or secondary school teacher
  4. Holding a full-time teaching position or equivalent role in a local school
  5. Possession of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent education and experience
  6. Commitment to continue teaching or working in their field post-program completion

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Required Documentation

Applicants are required to submit the following documents through the online application portal:

  • Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended
  • Certified copy of diploma
  • NBI Clearance acquired within the past 6 months

How To Apply

  1. Complete the online application via Offical Fulbright DAI application form.
  2. Upload required documents, including official transcripts, diplomas, and NBI Clearance, through the online portal.

Application Deadline: April 30, 2024


1. What is the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program?
The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program (Fulbright DAI) is a professional development initiative for international educators facilitated by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

2. Who administers the Fulbright DAI program in the Philippines?
In the Philippines, the Fulbright DAI program is administered by the Philippine-American Educational Foundation (Fulbright Philippines).

3. What does the Fulbright DAI program offer?
The program provides educators with an opportunity to enhance their subject expertise, teaching skills, and understanding of the United States through a semester-long immersion at a U.S. university.

4. What are the eligibility requirements for the Fulbright DAI program?
To be eligible, applicants must be Philippine citizens with English proficiency, possess at least five years of classroom experience, hold a full-time teaching position, have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, and demonstrate a commitment to continue teaching or working in their field post-program.

5. What support and benefits does the Fulbright DAI fellowship provide?
The fellowship includes J-1 visa support, pre-departure orientation, round-trip airfare, academic program fees, housing and meals, insurance coverage, daily allowance, technology allowance, and opportunities for collaborative grants with U.S. colleagues.

6. How can I apply for the Fulbright DAI program?
Interested individuals can apply online through the Fulbright DAI program website and submit the required documents, including transcripts, diploma, and NBI clearance.

7. What happens after completing the Fulbright DAI program?
Upon successful completion, participants become eligible for small grant awards to support teaching initiatives, collaborative projects, and follow-on training in their home countries.

Seize the Opportunity

Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your teaching career with the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program. Apply now and embark on a journey of professional growth and cross-cultural exchange.

Fulbright DAI: Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program

Fulbright DAI Scholarship Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers

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