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PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship 2023: for Advanced Degrees in Space Science by Philippine Space Agency

PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship 2023. If you’re a promising student who has completed your Bachelor’s degree and dreams of pursuing research or an advanced degree in the exciting field of Space Science, Technology, and Applications (SSTA), then the PhilSA Advanced Degrees for Accelerating Strategic Space R&D and Applications (PhilSA AD ASTRA) Scholarship program is the perfect opportunity for you. The Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) is calling on ambitious individuals to apply for this prestigious scholarship program, which provides various types of scholarships to outstanding students in both local and international higher educational institutions (HEIs).

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PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship Offered

The PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship is a prestigious initiative by the Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) that aims to nurture promising individuals who wish to further their academic pursuits in Space Science, Technology, and Applications. The scholarship program offers three types of scholarships to outstanding students:

1. Full Scholarships

Full Scholarships: These scholarships cover all tuition and other school fees, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder your pursuit of knowledge.

2. Partial/Lateral Scholarships

Partial/Lateral Scholarships: This type of scholarship provides financial support for tuition and other school fees, partially easing the burden of educational expenses.

3. Sandwich Scholarships

Sandwich Program Scholarships: The sandwich program allows students to engage in a combination of academic study and practical research. This scholarship covers the expenses associated with this unique learning experience.

PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship Disciplines and Study Programs

The PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship program encompasses an extensive array of study programs related to Space Science, Technology, and Applications. Scholars can choose from various disciplines, including but not limited to:

  • System Engineering
  • Electronics Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Digital and Analogue Electronics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • RF Electronics
  • Software Engineering
  • Orbit Dynamics, Mission, and Synthesis
  • Data Analytics
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Hydrological Science
  • Climate Change and Variability
  • Ocean Science
  • Geological Science
  • Earth Science Applications
  • Earth System Modeling
  • Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems
  • Geospatial Science and Technologies
  • Fundamental Physics
  • Nanoscience
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space Physics
  • Planetary Science
  • Terrestrial and Planetary Environmental Science and Engineering
  • Nanotechnology
  • Space Education
  • Space Industry
  • Space Law
  • Space Policy
  • Space Diplomacy

These are just a few examples of the exciting fields you can explore through the PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship program.

Scholarship Benefits

The PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship 2023 offers a comprehensive range of benefits to ensure scholars can focus on their academic pursuits and contribute to the advancement of Space Science, Technology, and Applications. The benefits provided include:

  • Tuition and other school fees: Actual costs are covered.
  • Stipend: Scholars receive up to Php 36,000 per month to cover accommodation, meals, and incidental expenses.
  • Book allowance: Scholars are granted Php 22,000 per year for purchasing study materials.
  • Technological support: Scholars receive Php 50,000 for a laptop and a monthly internet connection of Php 1,000.
  • Thesis/Dissertation/Internship allowance (if applicable): Scholars are eligible for up to Php 111,000 for support during their research or internship.
  • Research grant (if applicable): Scholars can receive up to Php 278,300 for their research projects.
  • Research dissemination grant (if applicable): Scholars may receive up to Php 165,000 to support the dissemination of their research findings.
  • Mentor’s fee (if applicable): Scholars can receive up to Php 79,200 as a fee for mentoring services.
  • Round-trip transportation allowance: Scholars are provided with a transportation allowance for their travels.
  • Pre-departure allowance: A pre-departure allowance is provided to scholars to facilitate their preparations for studying abroad.
  • Relocation allowance: Scholars receive financial assistance to cover relocation expenses.
  • Disability support: The scholarship program offers support for scholars with disabilities.
  • Extra Academic Activities: Scholars have the opportunity to engage in additional academic activities to enhance their learning experience.
  • Mentoring/Support program: Scholars receive guidance and support through a dedicated mentoring program.
  • Membership in PhilSA Scholars Group: Scholars become part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.

These benefits are designed to support your academic and research endeavors, enabling you to make the most of your scholarship experience.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Age Requirement: Applicants must not exceed 45 years old for Master’s and Doctorate Scholarships, and not more than 50 years old for stand-alone sandwich programs.
  2. Nationality: Applicants must be Filipino citizens.
  3. Health: Applicants must be in good health.
  4. Character: Applicants must possess good moral character, as attested by two character references.
  5. Relevant Degree: Applicants must hold a relevant Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
  6. Pending Cases: Applicants must have no pending administrative or criminal cases.
  7. Previous Scholarships: Applicants must have fulfilled any previous service obligations from other scholarship programs, unless granted clearance or consent from the previous granting institution to postpone the return service obligation to PhilSA.
  8. Research Plan: Applicants must have a research, thesis, or dissertation plan aligned with the Key Development Areas of PhilSA.
  9. Admission Requirements: Applicants must have met the admission requirements of a CHED-recognized Higher Educational Institution (HEI) for local scholarship applicants.
  10. Government Employees: For government employees, applicants must have completed the internal scholarship process of their respective Department/Agency.
  11. Host Institution Acceptance: Applicants must have received acceptance from their host institution.

Application Deadlines

Applications for the PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship have opened on June 15, 2023. The following are the deadlines for submission of applications:

  • Local Scholarships (First Semester/September 2023 intake): July 15, 2023.
  • Local Scholarships (Second Semester/January to February 2024 intake): October 15, 2023.
  • Foreign Scholarships (January – June 2024 intake): August 31, 2023.
  • Stand-alone Sandwich Program: August 31, 2023.

ALSO READ: DOST-SEI Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) 2023

How to Apply PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship

Applicants are required to submit a complete application package, including the following documentary requirements:

  1. Duly accomplished PhilSA Scholarship Program Application Form (Form 1).
  2. Recommendation letters from three academic professors or supervisors (Form 2).
  3. Research and Career Plans (Form 3A) for degree program applicants, Research Implementation Plan (Form 3B), and an approved research proposal for stand-alone sandwich program applicants.
  4. Duly accomplished Proposed Budget Form (Form 4).
  5. Medical certificate (Form 5).
  6. Updated Curriculum Vitae.
  7. Photocopy of birth certificate.
  8. Certified True Copy of Grades/Transcript of Records.
  9. Certified True Copy of Diploma/Certificate of Graduation.
  10. Certificate of No Pending Administrative Case (for government employees).
  11. Certificate of No Pending Service Obligation or Certificate of Deferment of Return Service.
  12. Valid NBI Clearance.
  13. Proof of acceptance from the University or host institution.
  14. If employed in a government agency, an endorsement letter from the Head of the Agency.

Interested applicants can download the application forms for the PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship program from the PhilSA website. The completed application package should be submitted through the online application form provided at :

Source: Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) Ad Astra Scholarship

Application Forms

Submission of Application

For any inquiries regarding the scholarship program, please contact [email protected] or call +632 8568 99 31.

The PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship program is a gateway for aspiring scholars to unlock their potential in the exciting field of Space Science, Technology, and Applications. Embark on this extraordinary journey and become a part of the next generation of space experts in the Philippines. Apply now and soar to new heights!

PhilSA Ad Astra Scholarship

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