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The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship at Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA) 2024: Unleashing Young Artistic Talents Nationwide

The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship (ANSYAS), presented by the renowned Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA). This prestigious event is dedicated to the discovery and nurturing of exceptional young talents in the arts field throughout the Philippines.

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Discovering Filipino Artistic Gems: The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship (ANSYAS)

The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship program by the Philippine High School for the Arts is a competition and a gateway to a transformative arts education experience. It provides young talents with an incredible opportunity to unleash their creative potential, pursue their artistic dreams, and contribute to the vibrant cultural landscape of the Philippines.

About the Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA)

The Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA) is a government-run secondary school for artistically talented children. The institution implements a unique secondary education curriculum specifically designed to train and hone future artists and cultural leaders. Beyond academic and artistic activities, PHSA places great importance on developing students’ social skills, preparing them to become artists for others.

Benefits of the The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship Programs

The successful applicant of the Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship program receives a range of valuable benefits, including:

  • Free tuition
  • Board and lodging (except during weekends)
  • Classes with master teachers
  • Monthly stipend
  • The chance to represent the school and country in international festivals, competitions, and exchange programs

Moreover, the scholarship grant is renewable every year for six (6) consecutive school years, contingent upon meeting academic and non-academic requirements.

Qualifications for the Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be a Filipino citizen with no pending application as an immigrant to any foreign country
  • Be a Grade 6 pupil at the time of application
  • Not be older than thirteen (13) years upon enrollment in August of the upcoming school year
  • Pass the audition and interview
  • Be physically and mentally fit

Requirements for the Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship

Applicants need to submit the following documents to apply for the Scholarship:

  1. Philippine High School for the Arts Scholarship Application Form
  2. PSA Birth Certificate (Photocopy)
  3. Grade 6 report card (Photocopy)
  4. One-page resume citing accomplishments in arts
  5. Ten sample works should be typewritten, double-spaced on A4 white bond paper, and authenticated by the teacher-in-charge (For creative writing).
  6. Ten images of artwork (jpeg format) in CD or DVD (For Visual Arts)

ALSO READ: OWWA Education for Development Scholarship Program (EDSP)

How to Apply for Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship

Fill in and complete the The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship Application Form and Please print in ink and write legibly.

The application form can be send to the address given.

The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholars (ANSYAS)
Philippine High School for the Arts
National Arts Center, Mt. Makiling, College 4031, Laguna

For additional information, please contact:

The Office of the ANSYAS Committee at 0917-8663097

Source : Philippine High School for the Arts Scholarship


1. What is the Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship?

The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship is a prestigious program that aims to discover and nurture exceptional young talents in the arts field throughout the Philippines. It offers a transformative arts education experience for talented Filipino students.

2. What is the Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship (ANSYAS)?

The ANSYAS is a yearly competition conducted by the Philippine High School for the Arts to identify and award scholarships to artistically talented children nationwide. It serves as a gateway for aspiring artists to pursue their creative dreams.

3. Who is eligible to apply for the ANSYAS scholarship?

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must be Filipino citizens with no pending application as an immigrant to any foreign country. They should be Grade 6 pupils at the time of application and not older than thirteen (13) years upon enrollment in August of the upcoming school year. Physical and mental fitness is also required, along with passing the audition and interview.

4. What are the benefits of the Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship Programs?

Successful applicants of the ANSYAS program receive a range of benefits, including free tuition, board and lodging (except during weekends), classes with master teachers, a monthly stipend, and the opportunity to represent the school and country in international festivals, competitions, and exchange programs. The scholarship grant is renewable for six (6) consecutive school years upon meeting academic and non-academic requirements.

5. How can I enhance my chances of getting the scholarship?

To increase your chances of getting the scholarship, follow these tips:

  • Choose the art form you are passionate about and let your true passion come through in your application.
  • Showcase your uniqueness and originality in your artworks or performances.
  • Assemble a robust collection of your best artworks or creative pieces.
  • Dedicate time to practice and improve your skills, especially for performance-based art forms.
  • Seek feedback and advice from trusted teachers, mentors, or artists.
  • Stay organized, meet deadlines, and submit all necessary documents and materials on time.
  • Believe in yourself and let your passion and dedication shine through in your application.

6. How can I apply for the Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship Programs?

To apply for the scholarship, you need to prepare the required documents, including The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship Application Form, PSA Birth Certificate (Photocopy), Grade 6 report card (Photocopy), one-page resume citing accomplishments in arts, ten typewritten, double-spaced sample works (authenticated for creative writing), and ten images of artwork in jpeg format (for Visual Arts). Submit these documents as per the application guidelines provided by the Philippine High School for the Arts.

7. Is the Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship Scholarship renewable every year?

Yes, the scholarship grant is renewable every year for six (6) consecutive school years, subject to meeting academic and non-academic requirements. This provides continued support to deserving scholars throughout their secondary education at the Philippine High School for the Arts.

8. What does the audition and interview process entail?

The audition and interview process is designed to assess applicants’ skills, talent, and academic standing. Under the supervision of audition masters, applicants showcase their artistic abilities and demonstrate their passion for their chosen art form. The interview allows the panel to understand the applicant’s motivations and aspirations in the arts field.

9. Can I apply for more than one art form in the ANSYAS program?

No, applicants can only apply for one art form in the ANSYAS program. It is essential to choose the art form you are most passionate about and align your application accordingly.

10. What happens after I submit my application?

After submitting your application, the Philippine High School for the Arts will review all applications thoroughly. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an audition and interview. Successful applicants will be awarded the prestigious scholarship and can start their journey of artistic excellence and innovation at the Philippine High School for the Arts.

Take the Leap Towards Artistic Excellence

We wish you the best of luck as you embark on this exciting artistic journey with The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship program. Your exceptional talent and hard work deserve to be recognized, so give it your all! Let your creativity shine, and may this opportunity be the stepping stone towards a bright future in the arts!

The Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholarship

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